USC VII - Crimes Involving Property

US Congress
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USC VII - Crimes Involving Property

Post by US Congress »



(A) Aircraft and motor vehicles

- (1) It is strictly prohibited to, through any means, directly or indirectly, cause danger or damage to aircraft, aircraft facilities, air fields or airports in the United States;

- (2) It is strictly prohibited to provoke or execute any acts of violence at international airports;

- (3) It is strictly prohibited to operate aircraft in any manner which is unsafe, including but not limited to: performing stunts at low attitude, landing aircraft on areas which were not designated to accept aircraft unless in case of emergency;

- (4) It is strictly prohibited to, through any means, directly or indirectly, cause danger or damage to motor vehicles, motor vehicle facilities, or buildings which were designated for parking of vehicles (such as garages);

- (5) It is strictly prohibited to hijack any commercial transport, or public transport vehicle in the United States;

- (6) It is strictly prohibited to discharge a weapon from a moving vehicle
(A) With exception to law enforcement officials

(B) Concealment of assets and forgery

- (1) Any person which forges a signature, a document, evidence, work of art or other shall be imprisoned for no less than 5 and no more than 10 years;

- (2) Any person which fraudulently and knowingly conceals an asset in an official proceeding, such as a law enforcement investigation or a court proceeding, shall be punished by a fine of $1,000,000 up to $5,000,000 or a prison sentence no less than 1 year and no more than 5 years

(C) Robberies or burglaries

- (1) Any person which attempts to, or does rob any kind of personal property belonging to the United States shall be imprisoned for no less than 5 and no more than 15 years;

- (2) Any person which through force, violence or intimidation takes, or attempts to take from a bank or automated teller machine shall be imprisoned for no more than 20 years and no less than 15 years;

- (3) Any person which attempts to, or does take any material or compound containing any quantity of controlled substance from a storage facility, whether it is a law enforcement station, a storage unit, or a person who seized said items, shall be imprisoned for no less than 5 and no more than 10 years

- (4) Any person in possession of stolen property shall have said property seized and be imprisoned for a period no lower than 3 months and no longer than five years, depending on the possessed amount and its value.

(D) Search and seizure

- (1) Any person which destructs or disposes of property which is to be seized shall be punished by no less than 1 year and no more than 5 years;

- (2) Any person which attempts to, or does rescue seized property shall be punished by no less than 5 and no more than 10 years

(E) Controlled items

- (1) Controlled items are weapons or substances which are controlled or restricted by law

- (2) Controlled substances are classed as follows:
(A) Class A - Cannabis;
(B) Class B - Methamphetamine;
(C) Class C - Cocaine;
- (3) Controlled weapons are classed as follows:
(A) Heavy Weapons: M4, AK47, Sniper Rifle;
(B) Explosive Ordinance: IED, RPG, Grenade, Molotov Cocktail;

- (4) It is illegal to possess, manufacture or distribute the following items in the United States:
(A) Substances specified under USC VII (E) (2) in any quantity;
Exception for Cannabis up to 140g;
(B) Weapons specified under USC VII (E) (3) in any quantity;

- (5) Any person in violation of USC VII (E) (4) shall be imprisoned for no less than 1 year and no more than 20 years, be issued a monetary fine determined by the District Court and have the illegal items seized

- (6) Any person may be subjected to a search of assets through a search warrant issued solely by the District Court or the FBI if the person is found in possession of:
(A) Controlled substances Class A in quantity that is by 100 grams greater than permitted by USC VII (E) (4) (A);
(B) Controlled substances Class B in quantity that is by 100 grams greater than permitted by USC VII (E) (4) (A);
(C) Controlled substances Class C in any quantity;
(D) Controlled weapons USC VII (E) (3) (A) and (B) in quantity that is by 2 weapons greater than permitted by USC VII (E) (4) (B);
- (7) A property may be seized:
(A) For 7 days if the property is used to manufacture controlled substances specified under USC VII (E) (2) in any quantity;
(B) For 14 days if the property is used to store explosive ordinance controlled weapons specified under USC VII (E) (3) (B) in any quantity;
(C) For 7 days if the property is used to store heavy controlled weapons specified under USC VII (E) (3) (A) in quantity greater than 3 weapon pieces or with more than 60 ammunition;
- (8) Any person that brandishes any type of firearm without a purpose permitted by a law shall be imprisoned for no less than 3 months and no more than 1 year.

(F) Federal properties and vehicles

- (1) Federal assets are vehicles and buildings owned by the federal government: the US Congress, the President, the Court, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

- (2) Any person which is trespassing a restricted part of a federal building or its premises shall be fined no less than $1,000 and no more than $50,000 or imprisoned for no more than a year.

- (3) Any person which damages or attacks a federal vehicle shall be fined no less than $5,000 and no more than $100,000 or imprisoned for no less than 5 and no more than 10 years.

- (4) Any person which damages or attacks a federal building or military installation shall be regarded as a terrorist and punished by the death penalty.

- (5) Access Restrictions
(A) Government Residence, Los Santos, Verdant Bluffs, including the inteiror space, and the premises of the property all until beneath the hill.
(B) Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Santos Headquarters, including the interior space, the garage and the premises of the building on all sides.
(E) Area 51, Bone County, including the premises stretching to the hills on the north, east and south, and road to the west.