Reinstatement Information

Mike Hawthornvale
Posts: 129
Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:07 pm

Reinstatement Information

Post by Mike Hawthornvale »

Reinstatement procedure

Former members of the Department may request for reinstatement at any given time should they meet the following requirements, to submit a request use the format below.
• Not have been dishonorably discharged from the Department.
• Had been a member of the Department for at least a month.
Had a Fire Engineer/Technician rank or higher.
• Not be in the department's blacklist.

Topic should be;

Code: Select all

Reinstatement - Full Name
Reinstatement form;

Code: Select all

[divbox=#000000][color=#FFFFFF][b][align=left][b]I. PERSONAL INFORMATION[/b][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]1.1 First Name:[/b] 
[b]1.2 Last Name:[/b] 
[b]1.3 Age:[/b] 
[divbox=#000000][color=#FFFFFF][b][b][b]II. DEPARTMENT RECORD[/b][/b][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]2.1 Former Badge:[/b] #
[b]2.2 Former Rank:[/b]  
[b]2.3 Former Branch:[/b] 
[b]2.4 Date of Resignation:[/b] 
[divbox=#000000][color=#FFFFFF][b][b][b](( III. OUT OF CHARACTER ))[/b][/b][/b][/color][/divbox]
[b]3.1 List current and past characters names:[/b]
[b]3.2 Are you in any faction? if yes, name them:[/b]
[b]3.3 Discord:[/b]
[b]3.4 Why did you resign from the Department?:[/b]
